Month: February, 2018
BIDS Tutorial Series: Automate the Introductory Walkthrough
Introduction Welcome to part 1B of the tutorial series “Getting Started with BIDS”. This tutorial will illustrate how one can automate the conversation of DICOMs into a valid BIDS dataset. This tutorial will follow the same workflow detailed in part 1A of this tutorial series. We will be using DICOMs from the Nathan Kline Institute (NKI) […]
BIDS Tutorial Series: Introductory Walkthrough
Introduction Welcome to part 1A of the tutorial series “Getting Started with BIDS”. The tutorial series will introduce you to converting brain data into the BIDS organizational standard, provide an example of how to convert a dataset into BIDS (manually and an automated solution), and examine different off-the-shelf automated solutions. This tutorial will show a […]
OpenfMRI becomes OpenNeuro
Six months ago we launched a new platform for sharing and analyzing neuroimaging data – Over 600 users have registered on the platform since it launched, helping us test all of the new exciting features (such as client-side BIDS dataset validation, resumable uploads, and running analysis apps). We are now ready to make OpenNeuro […]